Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Autumn Leaves: Still Life

Yesterday I went for a brief walk to try and take in some of the leaves before the rain hits this week and many of them fall.  I took the picture to the left as a still life of what autumn looks like in my current area. I'm not usually much of a still life fan, I think mostly because I don't have a lot of experience with lighting techniques for still life or macro images.  This shot was just using natural light, diffused through the overcast day.

Got a lot of traffic yesterday from my facebook post, so welcome anyone who is new to reading, please feel free to leave comments.  I'll be up in Baltimore later today so I'm not sure if I'll get any new pictures up for tomorrow but I'll hopefully be able to post something.  Possibly about the types of blogs that I read daily to keep up to date with the news and keep myself inspired.  Cheers!

FOLLOW UP: This photo has been very hot on Flickr at Autumn!  Go comment :)

1 comment:

  1. It is a posed still life but it is a cool pic Dan, kudos!
