Friday, October 22, 2010


Fall has again arrived and we're in that magical two week windows when the leaves have changed but not fallen off and the clocks haven't gone backwards yet to take away the nice daylight.  I plan on getting out this weekend and trying to capture some of the unexplored areas around my new city.  I'd like to get up and go early but I doubt if my body will agree with that goal.  Should have some to post early next week.

I've been looking pretty hard at the Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 to add to my collection.  Its relatively inexpensive, great in a low light, and solid for portraits.  My only hesitation is that it won't AF because my D60 doesn't have in-camera focusing.  Nikon doesn't seem to make an autofocusing 50mm F/1.8 so I may have to do all manual.  If that's the case I may throw in for a reversal ring for macro's as well.  I'd like to get some macro shots this weekend, but we'll see what I run into out there.

Well I burnt my fingers yesterday on the stove so typing is painful so I'm out

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