Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well to validate my existence, I've added a picture.

My main areas of photographic inspiration come from nature and the outdoors.  I enjoy taking everything from a bird in flight, to a serene landscape, to macro's of insects.  I usually do a mix of wide angle and zoom, depending on the situation, usually not to exceed 18mm wide or 300mm telephoto.  I've done some other projects with people or still life, but I don't feel as if I'm as experienced in those areas and need to continue work there.  I don't think I'll ever want to do portraiture or large events, that just doesn't seem to strike my interest like capturing the beauty of nature does.

I'm a user of Adobe Photoshop PS4, Color Efex Pro, GIMP, Photomatic 3.0, Picasa, and occasionally online tools to edit and tweak my photos.  Unless I'm doing HDR or can't access my own machine, I mostly stick with PS.  I feel very comfortable navigating through the software and enjoy the ability to adjust levels and curves on the fly. 


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