Monday, November 1, 2010

Truxton Park Photo Hike

Light playing across the Bridge
Foot Bridge in Fall
This weekend I was able to take Sunday and go for a photo walk.  I originally started thinking that I'd be able to explore the Bacon Ridge Natural Area.  After driving around the area for almost an hour I'd seen no parking lots, but did stumble across a very creepy abandoned hospital.  I used HDR to try and capture the nuances of the light and of the decay.  The fall foliage and the eeriness of the building made for a good Halloween capture.  After not being able to find any way into the hiking trails of Bacon Ridge I drove to Truxton Park.  I'd only been to Truxton Park previously once to catch crabs, but I hadn't walked through the woods before.  The weather was perfect and it was a very nice day to stroll through the woods and near the water and take pictures.  The entire set from that day can be seen here: Truxton Park Set.  After taking nearly 75 pictures I went home and spent a few hours in PS editing what I'd gotten.  My favorite photos ended up being either macro shots or shots where I was able to capture the details of the light and shadows that day.  I was also able to stalk a Great Blue Heron pretty closely for about twenty minutes, but never got a take-home shot.  I wished that I had brought along my 300mm lens when I had that opportunity because it would have allowed me to get much closer with my optics.  Overall I felt that it was a very successful trip, albeit in a place I didn't think I was going to end up.

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