Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Still Life: DuClaw Brewing Company Swag

So in a moment of inspiration I took my new DuClaw brewing glass (A promo for their newly tapped Devil's Milk Barleywine, which is quite good) and tried some macro photography on the glass.  One side says 'Hell Yeah' and the other 'Devil's Milk 2010'.  After first trying hand held with my 18-135mm, I busted out the tripod and the 70-300.  I was able to get a few good shots but the lighting wasn't anywhere near ideal.  It makes me want to make a softbox, but I'm not sure if I've got time for that small project this week.

Also walking around Ritz photo yesterday I was checking out the 50mm 1.8 (no AF-S) and it would probably do a good job also (better yet if I got the reversal ring!).  Anyhow,  Cheers!


  1. I have a 50mm 1.8 - and I love it to death! It's a fabulous lens - I use it more than anything else :)

  2. I haven't heard anything but great reviews! Only thing is stopping me is the no-AFS, but soon I'll make the jump :D
