Friday, December 31, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

Last week during the lunar eclipse that a large majority of the East Coast of the United States experienced I forced myself out of bed at 2:30AM to try and get a few good pictures of the moon.  I hadn't really done any research on how to photograph eclipses but figured that with my tripod and a few different attempts I'd be able to figure it out.  The biggest problem I had was the weather.  It was very frigid and very windy which made my hands frozen and my patience tested.  I would have taken more time photographing had it not been so very cold.

It was initially a difficult task because I had trouble with the technical aspects of shooting a dark moon against a dark sky in my parking lots with bright lights.  My best attempt is shown above. I bumped up my ISO to 1600, made the shutter speed shorter (About 1/30 I believe), and had the aperture very low.  This image above is slightly blurry, I think because I had the aperture so low.  In the future I'll increase my depth of field and hopefully will have better results.  This was also shot with my 135mm and not my 300mm which I'll surely change next time as well. 

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