Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cathedral of Learning - Nationality Rooms for Christmas

Christmas Tree at the PPG Ice Rink in Pittsburgh

At the end of November I was able to take a trip with my mother and my girlfriend to the nationality rooms at the University of Pitt.  The rooms were adorned with their respective holiday decorations from around the globe.  The lighting wasn't ideal but I was able to capture a few good shots of the art that was put into each and every room.  I enjoyed the details that went into every room, from the type of wood used in the floor to the glass used in the windows, it was authentic to the culture being represented in that room.

I think these dog/wolf chair toppers in the Ireland room are awesome!  They are very intricately carved and add a nice touch to the otherwise already cool chairs.  The detailing on the roof of the room for China is also amazing.  The room itself was very ornate, with the dragon above the main table being the centerpiece of the area.  Its quite large and imposing, with the dragon staring down towards those in the room.
Artwork on the ceiling of the China room and an excellent globe against stained glass in another.  I would love to have that type of globe for my house, it had multiple spheres of information encompassing the map.

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